Code Enforcement

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Code Enforcement?

Code Enforcement ensures property and business owners adhere to regulations and compliance with local laws, codes and ordinances related to public health, safety, land use, and building standards by investigating complaints to preserve the quality of life for all that live, work and visit the City of Elk Grove. 

Our goal is to gain voluntarily compliance with municipal code requirements in order to maintain safe and vibrant neighborhoods. 

How does Code Enforcement identify code violations?

Code Enforcement Officers investigate complaints filed by the public and can proactively address violations upon observing them.

What are common violations?
Where is Code Enforcement located?

Code Enforcement is a City division under the Community Development Department. We are inside City Hall, 8401 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758.

How does Code Enforcement gain compliance with municipal code requirements?

Education and outreach is Code Enforcement’s first step with gaining compliance.

Other tools include Administrative Citations, Summary Abatements, Inspection and Abatement Warrant, and other resources from our legal team.

What happens after I report an issue?
  1. Once a violation is reported, a case is opened. 
  2. If the violation is not an immediate hazard to the public, a courtesy letter is mailed to the owner of the property where the violation exists, informing them of the issue and providing 15 days to voluntarily correct the violation(s). If the owner fails to comply with the notice, a code enforcement officer is dispatched to investigate the complaint further. 
  3. A Notice and Order or Declaration of Public Nuisance may be issued to the property owner upon completion of an investigation. A minimum of 15 days to comply with the Order is provided to the owner.  
  4. If the issue is not resolved after 30 days, code enforcement may assess inspection fees, issue administrative citations, abate the violation, or seek legal action against the owner. The property owner is responsible for all costs incurred by the City to resolve code violations. 
What are the most common types of violations that Code Enforcement handles?

Rental properties that are deemed substandard

  • Lack of power
  • Surfacing sewage
  • Faulty weatherproofing
  • Lack of sanitation
  • Deteriorating structural


  • Inoperable vehicles parked on property
  • Vehicles parked on pervious surface
  • Fence height
  • Structure setback from property line
  • Lighting from property
  • Prohibited uses
  • Home occupation


  • Accumulation of rubbish/refuse
  • Water wasting
  • High weeds/tall grasses over 12 inches in length
  • Large auto repair
  • Unmaintained pools
  • Trees/shrubs encroaching the public right of way
  • Safety hazards
  • Attractive nuisances
  • Graffiti

Construction without required permits from the Building and/or Planning Division. 

How do I request a demand for a property with a Certificate of Nuisance attached?

To request a demand, email your request to and ensure a copy of the Certificate of Nuisance is attached.

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About Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement Officers work in close association with the Elk Grove Police Department, Planning, Building and Public Works Departments and other local agencies to maintain high community standards and address violations of the Elk Grove Municipal Code. Through enforcement of these ordinances and with community awareness and involvement, Elk Grove will continue to be a place everyone feels proud to call home.

Did you know that our Code Enforcement team resolves 90% of issues reported by simply educating citizens about existing laws and standards?

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What doesn't Code Enforcement handle?

  • Emergency situations that threaten human life or property and demand immediate attention, Call 911
  • Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R) violations
  • Private disputes between neighbors
  • Situations which are not specifically addressed in the Elk Grove Municipal Code
  • Trees leaning from private property over private property
  • Fences that are shared by private parties
  • Street parking
  • Lease agreements and/or rental payments


Contact Code Enforcement  

Code Enforcement Request Line

Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Closed City Holidays

Email, (916) 687-3023
After Hours Elk Grove Police Non-Emergency Number (916) 714-5115

Senior Code Enforcement Officer

Ryan Huber, (916) 687-3094

Code Enforcement Officer

Ana Solis, (916) 687-3008

Code Enforcement Officer

William Discala, (916) 687-3066

Code Enforcement Officer

Troy Jones, (916) 687-3032

Code Enforcement Officer

Aaron Gil, (916) 687-3044

Code Enforcement Officer 

Brandon Smith, (916) 627-3220

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