Street Light Maintenance

Street Light Maintenance

Need to report a signal issue? Submit your request online

Welcome to Street Light Maintenance. Come to this web page for regularly updated news and information about the City's street lighting program. The City's Operations and Maintenance Division maintains over 12,000 street lights and safety lights throughout the city. This is the place to report street light outages or other problems with street lights in the city of Elk Grove.

Public Works staff performs periodic night time surveys of street lights on the city's major streets, inspecting and repairing any street light outages discovered. On neighborhood streets, the City relies on residents to report street light outages.

Reporting Street Light Problems

Please include the following with your report:

  • Streetlight pole number (if safely viewable), located on street light poles approximately 10 feet off the ground facing the street.
  • Street name and address where the streetlight is located. Indicate if the pole is in front of, across from, or in-between the address given.
  • Nearest cross street.
  • Your name and daytime phone number.
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