Above and Beyond Nominations

Submit a Nomination

18th Annual Above and Beyond Program Accessibility Award

Do you know of a business, organization, or individual that goes “Above and Beyond” for individuals with disabilities in Elk Grove? Are they dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities who live in or visit our town?

If so, please take a moment to nominate them for the City of Elk Grove Disability Advisory Committee's Accessibility Award. The Committee will review applications received and a local Elk Grove business, organization, or deserving person will be recognized with an award during the month of October, which is Disability Awareness Month.

Submit your nomination by downloading printable form below, or submit using online Nomination Form.

Nominations are due Tuesday, August 13. 2024.

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Submit Your Nomination Online

Your Information
Nominee Information

Nomination Statement


To be eligible for the award:

  • Nominee has provided services to Elk Grove residents with disabilities within the last 12 months.
  • Nominee has not won the award in the last two years.
  • Nominee does not provide services, for which they’re being nominated, through an organization that has won the award in the last two years.
  • Nominee provides services that are free from discrimination.
Has the nominee provided services to Elk Grove residents with disabilities within the last 12 months?
Does the nominee provide services that are free from discrimination?
Is the nominee paid, or is the organization they work for paid for the services provided?
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Printable Nomination Form


Accessibility Resources  

Jim Ramsey
Risk Manager / ADA Coordinator

Email, (916) 478-2250, TTY/TDD (888) 435-6092, or fax (916) 627-4250 

8401 Laguna Palms Way
Elk Grove, CA 95758