Parks and Recreation, and the Fire Department

About Parks and Recreation, and the Fire Department

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Cosumnes Community Services District

In Elk Grove, parks and recreation, as well as fire and emergency medical services, are provided by the Cosumnes Community Services District

The Cosumnes CSD is an independent special district that has its own elected board of directors and annual budget. It is funded through property taxes, special assessments and user fees.

The District’s fire department serves the residents of Elk Grove, Galt, and southern Sacramento County. It operates eight fire stations and a fire training facility located in southern Elk Grove. 

The District’s parks and recreation department manages nearly 100 parks including Elk Grove Park and Emerald Lakes Golf Course and provides recreational programs, preschools, and special events in Elk Grove. 

How is Cosumnes CSD run?

Its board of directors is made up of five members that we elect to serve four-year staggered terms. Board members will be elected by residents within five geographical areas, or districts, as of 2020. 

Cosumnes CSD’s board of directors approves an annual budget for services provided by their special district, with revenue that comes from property taxes, landscape and lighting district assessments, and user-related fees.

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