Commercial Recycling and Waste

Commercial Recycling and Waste

State law now requires businesses to sort their organics (food waste and food-soiled paper products) and dispose in an organics cart. Exemptions are available for qualifying businesses.

The Commercial Recycling and Waste Program works with, for, and in the community and in business capacities to provide education, resources, and inspiration in this ever-changing world. We must foster change and adaptation to environmental improvements to help future generations. By inspiring change, we will make an impactful footprint within our community.

Commercial Recycling

The State of California requires recycling at all businesses and at all multi-family residential dwellings with five or more units.

Who must comply?

All businesses, non-residential properties, multifamily properties (with five or more units), and single-family residential properties managed by an association or other organization.

What Are The Program Requirements?

  • Keep all recyclables separate from your trash. Recyclables include mixed paper, newspaper, magazines, junk mail, cardboard, plastic containers (#1 - #7), glass containers, and aluminum and tin cans. Please see the list of Designated Recyclable for a list of all items that must be recycled.
  • Ensure that all recyclables are collected and delivered to a recycling facility by either:
  • Provide recycling containers inside your business. (Contact the City for free indoor recycle bins, while supplies last.)
  • Post signs describing recyclable items in areas where recyclables are collected. You can download free signage from the City.
  • Educate employees and/or tenants about the program.

Who Can I Hire To Haul The Trash And Recycling From My Business?

Only Registered Commercial Haulers can collect and haul recyclables in the city of Elk Grove. View the list of commercial service providers.

Will This Requirement Cost My Business More Money?

Most likely, however, you may be able to save money by reducing the amount of trash you generate. Increasing your recycling and/or reducing your waste can help to reduce the size needed for your trash dumpster or the frequency of collection. 

Need to opt out of recycle services?

The Elk Grove Municipal Code requires businesses to arrange for trash, recycling, and organic waste services with a single hauler. Commercial customers may apply for approval of alternative compliance or a waiver.

We'll let you know within 90 days whether your request was approved or denied. Waivers can be reviewed annually and may be revoked at the sole discretion of the City.

Complete the Commercial Alternative Service form

This form is for businesses that self-haul their recyclables with their own vehicle and employees to a designated recycling facility or have service with another authorized hauler (Alternative Service). To be approved, businesses must attach proof of recycling drop-off with dump tags or receipts or a current service agreement with another Authorized Hauler. If you are unable to provide receipts, your waiver request will be denied.

Requests may be subject to onsite inspections and receipt audits by Recycling and Waste staff.


Design Guidelines for Trash and Recycling

The Space Allocation and Enclosure Design Guidelines for Trash and Recycling (DGTR) provide recycling and waste collection requirements for all developments in the city. Integrated collection areas with recycling components assist in the reduction of waste materials, thereby prolonging the life of landfills and promoting environmentally-sound practices and help the city meet State-mandated recycling requirements.

The guidelines are also available in an automatic spreadsheet calculator which allows the applicant to input business type and number of anticipated employees to generate a recommended service level for garbage, recycling, and organics collection.

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Contact Commercial Recycling & Waste Staff

Commercial Service

Brandon Colldeweih
Email or (916) 687-3060
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