Plan Review and Permits

Development impact fees will increase January 1, 2025. Learn more

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About Permits

Permits are certificates of approval from City Hall to proceed forward with proposed projects. Permits may or may not be required for your project or tenant improvement.

To determine if your project is within the City of Elk Grove for permitting purposes, view the Assessor's map and enter the location, you will see your jurisdiction on the top left.

In an effort to reduce costs of printing plans, streamline the permitting process, and reduce storage costs, the City of Elk Grove will require plans for building permits to be submitted electronically.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When is a permit required?

According to the California Building Codes, no building or structure regulated by the code shall be constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained. Review work that is exempt from a permit.

Please keep in mind that while some projects do not require permits, they may be governed by the Zoning Code of Elk Grove. The Zoning Code regulates items such as height and size of structures, where they can be placed on a property, how far they need to be setback from adjacent property lines as well as the use of these structures. If you need additional information regarding Zoning, please contact the City of Elk Grove Planning Department at (916) 478-2265 or please visit the web page.

Can permits be obtained online?

Yes; applications can be submitted online and permits are now issued online.

The City of Elk Grove permit application form can be obtained through the City’s website, please visit the Forms & Handouts page. The application collects information such as the job address, owner information, contractor information, scope of work and the cost of performing the permitted work. Completing an application prior to submitting for a permit is highly recommended.

Can I obtain a permit over the counter?

The City of Elk Grove now requires electronic submittals for all permitting needs.  

You can now easily apply for minor permits using the eTrakit permit portal. Please refer to the list of eligible permit types below:

  • Re-roofing
  • Water Heater replacement
  • HVAC, Condenser, Furnace or Duct Work replacements
  • Sewer Line or Water Line repairs and replacements
  • Residential Electrical Panel replacement or upgrade of up to 200amps
  • SMUD Safety Inspection (to restore power, no repair work included)
  • Window replacement(s) (like for like replacements with no framing alterations)
  • Water Softener Installation

*You must first register to use the eTrakit permit portal. For registration information please refer to the eTrakit Online Building Permit Program document located below: 

eTrakit Building Permit Program

How do I get my project finalized?

It's always best to discuss the required inspections with your inspector prior to covering up any work. When all required inspections have been completed and approved, please schedule a final inspection. If the final inspection is approved, the inspector will sign-off and “final” the permit document. Keep the permit document and any documents or plans related to the project in a safe place. If you sell or refinance your home, you will be able to demonstrate that permits were obtained, inspections were performed and that the project was given a final inspection.

For new Commercial or Residential buildings and other structures, separate department approvals may be required. For example: Planning, Public Works or Engineering.  Additionally; some permit categories require outside agency approval. For example: Health Department and CSD Fire. When all approvals are verified by the City a Certificate of Occupancy may be issued.

How do I apply for a permit requiring plan review and what information and documentation is needed?

All projects requiring plan review shall be submitted electronically.

For projects requiring minor plan review, submittals shall be made using the eTrakit permit portal. Please refer to the list of eligible minor application types below:

  • Residential Solar Photovoltaic System
  • Residential Access Structures (carports, patio covers, patio enclosures)
  • Residential Swimming Pools and Spas
  • Residential Additions and Interior Remodels
  • Residential Vehicle Charging Stations

*You must first register to use the eTrakit permit portal. For registration information please refer to the eTrakit Online Building Permit Program.

If your project is not an eligible application type listed above you will need to submit construction plans and all supporting documents through the Building Department Filedrop. Please refer to the Electronic Plan Review Policy for submittal requirements. 

Several policies and handouts regarding plan submittals are available on our website, please visit the Forms & Handouts page for project specific requirements and plan review timelines.

Do I have to hire a contractor, or can I perform the work myself?

You can perform the work yourself and/or use sub-contractors do the work. If you choose to do the work yourself, you will be asked to complete and sign an Owner-Builder Verification Form.  There are risks to pulling an Owner-Builder permit.  Please refer to the forms below to better understand the risks:

Owner-Building Verification Form 

Owner Builder Take Note

For additional information please contact the California State License Board online at or by phone at (800)321-CSLB(2752). 

How will I know when my plan review is complete?

You will be contacted by staff through email when your plan check has been completed. If your plans have been approved, you will be provided with information and instruction on making final payment and receiving your approved documents and permit. If your plans have plan review comments you will be notified through email explaining that you have plan review comments and that your plans require additional information. The email may contain the redlined plans, plan review comments, and a list of requirements that may be necessary for the issuance of the permit.  Please allow 48 hours for the processing of any plan review approvals or comments prior to notification. 

How do I get information regarding licensed contractors?

The State of California Contractors Licensing Board licenses and regulates contractors in 47 classifications that constitute the construction industry throughout the State of California. You may visit their web site at for more information. Always confirm that you are contracting with a contractor who is licensed and in good standing with the California State License Board. It is common to ask contractors for their license number and references. Also make sure that anyone working on your property is covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance as indicated in the CSLB website.

Once my permit has been issued, how do I schedule an inspection?

Inspection requests can be made 24 hours a day by phone on our inspection appointment line. Inspection appointments may be called in as late as 5am the morning of the requested inspection date by calling the inspection appointment line at (916) 478-2225. Our message will guide you through the information we will need in order to complete your inspection request.

Inspection requests can also be scheduled online using the eTrakit permit portal.  Inspection requests can be scheduled as late as 5am the morning of the requested inspection.  

*You must first register to use the eTrakit permit portal. For registration information please refer to the eTrakit Online Building Permit Program.

You are also welcome to call the building department main line at least 24 hours prior to the required inspection date. Please note that the cutoff time for calling an inspection in to the office is 5pm. The building department main line is (916) 478-2235.

How may I get more information?

For more information please call (916) 478-2235 or email Our Building Division staff of Permit Technicians, Plans Examiners and Building Inspectors will be happy to assist you.

Will my permit expire?

Yes, under certain conditions. An application for a building permit is valid for 180 days (approximately 6 months). Once issued, a Building Permit is valid for one (1) year when no inspection has been performed or extended for 180 days with the first approved inspection, whichever comes first.

Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Do you own an Electric Vehicle, or are you considering buying one? Depending on your charging needs, building permits may be required. View the guide and checklist below. The guide provides information about Electric Vehicles and what supplemental infrastructure are needed in the household.


Community Development  
Building Safety Email or (916) 478-2235
Development Engineering Email or (916) 627-3436
Planning Email or (916) 478-2265
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