Project Overview
The City of Elk Grove (City), in coordination with the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), is currently planning a new interchange at Whitelock Parkway and State Route 99 (SR99) as included in the City’s General Plan. The new interchange project (Project) will help to address the expected increased traffic demand due to existing residential growth and planned future developments near Whitelock Parkway. A bike and pedestrian overcrossing of SR99 is included in the project and auxiliary lanes connecting to the new interchange are being considered. Also included is the realignment or modifications to East Stockton Boulevard and widening of Whitelock Pkwy. The Project also includes environmental clearance of high occupancy vehicle lanes on SR99.
Project Background
As the Project directly connects to an existing Caltrans managed facility, collaboration and approval by Caltrans will be required throughout all phases of the project. The first phase for this type of project is the Project Initiation Phase, which resulted in the project of a Project Study Report - Project Development Support document (PSR-PDS). The purpose of the PSR-PDS is to identify and estimate project scope, schedule and support costs necessary to complete future studies and work needed during the environmental phase. The PSR-PDS for this Project was approved on August 9, 2020.
Current Phase
With the PSR-PDS completed, the Project has entered into the next phase which is the Project Approval and Environmental Document Phase (PA&ED). The purpose of the PA&ED phase is to analyze and refine alternatives and perform the necessary environmental studies, with the end result being an approved Project Report, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental document, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental document. The lead agency for both CEQA and NEPA compliance is Caltrans.