Sister Cities

Sister Cities

Sister Cities International

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Sister Cities International is a nonprofit citizendiplomacy network that creates and strengthens partnerships between U.S. and international communities. We strive to build global cooperation at the municipal level, promote cultural understanding and stimulate economic development.

Sister Cities International is a leader for local community development and volunteer action. We motivate and empower private citizens, municipal officials and business leaders to conduct long-term sister city programs. We believe that sister city programs involve two-way communication and should mutually benefit partnering communities.

Elk Grove's Membership to Sister Cities International

Sister Cities International Logo

The City of Elk Grove became a member of Sister Cities International (SCI) in 2009. SCI is a non-profit citizen diplomacy network seeking stronger economic and cultural ties at the municipal level between US and international communities. Hundreds of cities around the world participate in this program, and many participate regionally.

Sister Cities

Concepcion de Ataco, El Salvador

Concepcion de Ataco is a municipality and city within the department Ahuachapan, El Salvador. It has a population of nearly 22,000 residents and is the city of Elk Grove's first sister city. Thesmall town has the basic services (water, electricity, sewage, train toilet, telephone, internet, post office, police and magistrates' court). The town has 4 branches of the agricultural sector, all benefits of coffee, so it follows that the municipality is mainly agricultural. There are 4 foundations or organizations concerned with agriculture and community development: FUNDATACO Foundation (ATAC), ADECOA (Association for Community Development Ataco) FUNADIC (Ataquena Foundation for the Integral Development Community) and RomeroAssociation. The city's economy has also been influenced by tourism, and that is the reason why the city has grown prosperous and many investors both local and international are opening businesses like Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, etc.

View Sister City Agreement

Elk Grove City Council with Concepción de Ataco Mayor

Left to right: Council Member Gary Davis, Council Member Patrick Hume, Mayor Oscar Olivero Gomez Duarte, Council Member Sophia Scherman, and Mayor Steven Detrick.

Concepción de Ataco truck

A garbage truck with a painted
mural of the city in
Concepcion de Ataco

Mayor's shaking hands.

Mayor Oscar Olivero Gomez Duarte
and Mayor Steven Detrick formalizing the
newly formed sister city relationship
on September 28, 2011

  Elk Grove Concepcion de Ataco
Population 153,000 22,000
Square Area 109 sq. km. 84 sq. km.
Elevation 45 ft. 4,500 ft.
Major Employing Industries Health care, education, technology Coffee, tourism
Minimum wage, retail and service workers $8.00/hour $6.92/day
Big recent infrastructure project A regional mall Bringing drinking water and electricity to rural areas
Festivals Western Festival (May), Pumpkin Festival (October), Dickens Faire (December) Dia de la Cruz (May), Noche de Farolitos (September)
Popular Youth Sport Soccer Soccer

Table credit: Mello