High Priority Projects

Every two years, the City Council identifies High Priority Projects that align with the organization's goals and strategic priorities. The current list of projects was established at the biennial retreat conducted on March 10, 2023. The table below presents each project, the respective responsible City departments, and their status as of April 2023.

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Vibrant community and sustainable economy

Safe and resilient community


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High performing and financially stable City government High performing and financially stable City government

City Infrastructure City Infrastructure


Civic Amenities

Project Responsible Departments and Goals Status

Elk Grove (Old Town) Library

Complete tenant improvements for the relocated Elk Grove Library Branch.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

New Zoological Park in Elk Grove

Complete schematic design and environmental review for the proposed New Zoo in Elk Grove and consider project approvals.

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Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Public Works, Finance


Vibrant community and sustainable economy





Project Responsible Departments and Goals Status

Kammerer Road: Extend from Bruceville Road to I-5

Complete environmental review, right of way acquisition and begin final design for the extension of Kammerer Road from Bruceville Road to I-5.

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Lead Department(s)

Public Works


Vibrant community and sustainable economy Safe and resilient community City Infrastructure


In process

Whitelock Parkway Interchange

Continue project design and environmental review. Construction forecast for 2030.

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Lead Department(s)

Public Works


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process

Elk Grove Blvd Streetscape Phase 2

Complete utility coordination, right of way acquisition and final design, and begin construction of the widening, beautification, and mobility improvements of Elk Grove Blvd. from School Street to Waterman Road.

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Lead Department(s)

Public Works


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process

Expand traffic signal communication network

Complete upgrades to traffic signal cabinets and connect to fiber optic and/or cellular service to increase bandwidth to improve signal synchronization and traffic operations and reduce congestion.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

IT, Police


Safe and resilient community ​High performing and financially stable City government City Infrastructure


In process

Implement adaptive traffic signal control pilot project

Upgrade equipment and traffic operations software and deploy a pilot adaptive traffic signal program for Elk Grove Boulevard from Elk Grove-Florin to Bruceville.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)



Safe and resilient community ​High performing and financially stable City government City Infrastructure


In process

Light Rail Extension to Elk Grove

Update the corridor master plan/precise plan for future extension of Light Rail into Elk Grove.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Public Works


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process

Passenger Inter-City Rail Services

Continue coordination with San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on station design and construction.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Public Works, Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process

Laguna Creek Trail at Highway 99 Overcrossing

Complete design,environmental review, and pursue grant opportunities for the construction of a new pedestrian/bicycle overcrossing of Highway 99 at Laguna Creek.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation


Vibrant community and sustainable economy Safe and resilient community City Infrastructure


In process

Lotz and Promenade Parkway Extensions

Complete design and environmental review for extension of Lotz Parkway from Whitelock Parkway to Kyler Road, and Promenade Parkway from the SMUD substation to Lotz Parkway.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation, Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process


Community Development

Project Responsible Departments and Goals Status

Railroad Street

Continue efforts to revitalize the Railroad Street corridor with restaurant, entertainment, and residential uses.

Lead Department(s)

Economic Development

Supporting Department(s)

Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure



Update the Old Town Special Planning Area

Complete a comprehensive update to the Old Town Special Planning Area.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Community Development, Economic Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Project Elevate

Continue efforts with the City’s preferred development partner to undertake the project creating a mixed-use neighborhood at the City property at Big Horn and Elk Grove Boulevard. Develop a multi-phase construction plan and a retail plan that provides diverse dining and entertainment options.

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Lead Department(s)

Economic Development

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation, Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Kammerer Road Corridor Urban Design Study Implementation

Complete/adopt revisions to the General Plan, SEPA Community Plan, and Zoning to implement the Kammerer Road Urban Design Study.

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Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Economic Development, Community Development, Public Works


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Implement programs that address homelessness in Elk Grove

Explore funding or other forms of support for housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Prepare a needs assessment. Consider funding programs from Measure E.

Lead Department(s)

Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Further development of affordable housing in Elk Grove

Undertake programs and implement policies that further the development of housing for all income levels, including lower and middle income. Pursue development of four City-owned housing opportunities. As part of future fee program updates, continue to implement changes that reflect the proportional costs.

Lead Department(s)

Community Development

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Southeast Industrial Area/Grant Line Road Business Park

Facilitate infrastructure completion and marketing efforts that further development in the Southeast Industrial Area.

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Lead Department(s)

Economic Development, Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation, Community Development, Finance


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process

Complete an update to the City’s Climate Action Plan

Complete the 5-year update to the Climate Action Plan.

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Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Regional Sewer Study

In partnership with Regional San and SASD, prepare a regional sewer study that looks at the near-term and long-term sewer needs for Elk Grove south of Elk Grove Boulevard and west of Highway 99, including future annexation areas.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Community Development, Public Works, Economic Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy City Infrastructure


In process

Old Town Library Reuse

Develop a plan and process for the disposition and/or future use of the current Old Town Library in preparation for the future move to the Rite Aid building.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Economic Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy


In process

Citywide telecommunication/broadband improvements

Facilitate improved telecommunications/broadband access for residences and businesses.

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Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)

Public Works, Economic Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy Safe and resilient community City Infrastructure


In process


Community Safety

Project Responsible Departments and Goals Status

Continue efforts to address the potential for regional flooding

Continue seeking partnerships and funding to address long-term flooding potential in the Elk Grove area.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works, City Manager

Supporting Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation, Community Development


Safe and resilient community ​High performing and financially stable City government


In process

GPS based emergency vehicle signal preemption pilot program

With Cosumnes CSD, undertake a pilot program for GPS based emergency vehicle routing and signal preemption to improve Fire and EMS response times.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

Information Services, Police


Safe and resilient community


In process

Community Service Centers

Investigate development of community service centers, one each in eastern and western Elk Grove for the City’s neighborhood-focused Problem Oriented Policing teams.

Lead Department(s)


Supporting Department(s)

Public Works


Safe and resilient community City Infrastructure


In process

School Resource Officer Partnership

Study expansion of School Resource Officers with Elk Grove Unified School District.

Lead Department(s)



Safe and resilient community


In process


City Operation

Project Responsible Departments and Goals Status

Police Department Campus improvements and expansion

Complete improvements to 8380, 8400, Studio Court, and Iron Rock and evaluate timing of future expansion needs.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)



Safe and resilient community City Infrastructure


In process

Continue efforts of promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within City government, as well as in the community

Continue diversity and inclusion efforts within the City organization and expand programs into the community.

Lead Department(s)

City Manager


Vibrant community and sustainable economy ​High performing and financially stable City government


In process

Maintain Elk Grove's roadways in a state of good repair

Identify opportunities to enhance pavement management efforts with new Measure E revenues.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)



​High performing and financially stable City government City Infrastructure


In process

Fleet Electrification

Complete the Electric Vehicle Transition Plan for City operations and undertake Phase 1 improvements to City facilities and begin Pilot/Phase 1 deployment of electric vehicles.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation, Public Works

Supporting Department(s)

Police, Finance


Safe and resilient community ​High performing and financially stable City government City Infrastructure


In process

City Hall Improvements

Complete safety improvements to, and undertake design for a remodel of, City Hall at 8401 Laguna Palms Way to accommodate future growth.

Lead Department(s)

Public Works

Supporting Department(s)



Safe and resilient community City Infrastructure


In process

Community Engagement Program Development

Implement the recommendations/initiatives of the Smart City Plan and develop a Community Engagement Toolkit and training resources for City staff.

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Lead Department(s)

City Manager

Supporting Department(s)



Safe and resilient community ​High performing and financially stable City government


In process

Continuous Improvement Program

Develop and implement a Continuous Improvement Program for City staff, which provides staff training, tools, and resources to make data driven decisions and improve service delivery.

Lead Department(s)

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Supporting Department(s)



​High performing and financially stable City government



Digital improvements to customer service

Improve the digital experiences for City customers on our “online services” portion of the City‘s website (e.g., online applications).

Lead Department(s)

Information Services

Supporting Department(s)

Finance, Community Development, Public Works, Police, Public Affairs


Vibrant community and sustainable economy ​High performing and financially stable City government


In process

Measure E Year 1 Expenditure Plan

In partnership with Cosumnes Community Services District develop a Year 1 Measure E expenditure plan and MOU for Measure E revenue based on community identified priorities.

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Lead Department(s)


Supporting Department(s)

Police, Public Works, Economic Development, Community Development


Vibrant community and sustainable economy Safe and resilient community ​High performing and financially stable City government City Infrastructure



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