

The primary function of the Investigative Services Division is to conduct the follow-up investigation after a crime has been reported. The goal is to identify the perpetrators of the crime to assist the District Attorney's Office in the successful prosecution of the suspect(s).

The Investigative Services Division also provides support to victims of crimes during the course of an investigation. The crime victims and the community both benefit from the prosecution and punishment of criminals.

Many investigations can be completed in a matter of weeks, whereas other investigations may take years before they are solved.

Every attempt is made to prioritize their work so that cases involving injured persons, threat to personal safety or significant property loss receive the most immediate attention.

The Special Investigations Unit are also assigned to the Investigations branch. The Unit focuses on drugs and vice investigations, gang activity, intelligence investigations, and the concerns surrounding probationers.

What Happens Now?

These are the steps that are taken:

  • When the police are called to a crime an investigation is conducted. The responding officer gathers evidence that may include fingerprints, photographs, diagrams and statements. Once the evidence is gathered, the officer evaluates the evidence to determine whether or not it is appropriate to proceed with an arrest.

  • In many cases an arrest is made while the officer is on scene. In other cases the officer may choose to seek an arrest warrant for the suspect and return at a later date to make an arrest. In both cases there are many things that occur before the case makes its way into the courtroom.

  • The first step in the process is with the investigating officer(s) and that is the police report. The report details the facts of the offense and describes how the evidence shows the suspect is responsible for the commission of the alleged crime.

  • The next step is a review of that report by the officer's supervisor. If the supervisor concurs with the officer the report is approved and sent to the Detective Division for further investigation and warrant request, if required.

  • The Detective Sergeant conducts a second review of the report before forwarding the report to the district attorney. In the review process, the supervisors may ask the officer to conduct additional investigation, gather additional evidence or make corrections to the report. Most reports do not require additional work but in those cases, the report is repaired or the additional work is completed and then forwarded to the district attorney.

  • The police officer has the burden of determining whether or not "probable cause" exists to make an arrest. IT simply means that a reasonable person would conclude the accused committed the alleged crime and should be brought before the court. The district attorney has the burden of making to determination whether or not the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Occasionally the police will make an arrest but the district attorney concludes there is not enough evidence to meet the higher burden, proof beyond and reasonable doubt, so the case is not formally charged. In those cases the law enforcement agency has an opportunity to conduct additional investigation and gathers more evidence. If successful the case can be re-submitted to the district attorney.

  • Once the case is charged by the district attorney and formal "complaint" is filed and the accused, now a defendant, is brought before the court. The first proceeding before the court is called arraignment. The complaint is read to the defendant, bail is set and the next hearing is set.

  • Sometime after the arraignment victims and witnesses may be called to testify in a hearing or trial. Subpoenas will be issued by the district attorney's office. A subpoena requires the person served to come before the court on the date and time specified. In all cases a representative from the district attorney's office discusses the case with the witness prior to testimony.

Financial Crimes

The Elk Grove Police Department Financial Crimes Unit is responsible for the investigation of criminal offenses involving forgeries, check cases, credit card offenses, fraudulent credit applications, bunco-fraud schemes, embezzlements, computer crimes, and elder fiduciary abuse cases.

Our detectives work in conjunction with the Sacramento Valley Hi-Tech Crimes TaskForce.

EGPD Financial Crimes Detectives and the Elk Grove Police Department Crime Prevention Unit suggests reading the following flyers to be better informed about hi-tech and internet crime:

If you feel you have been the victim of a financial crime, first contact your financial institution and put stop payment orders on checks, credit card accounts or other financial transactions that occurred if appropriate. Secondly, make sure a crime has been committed. Get copies of your credit report that show an account is not yours or a letter from a credit card statement showing fraudulent charges. It is not enough to just get a phone call from a creditor; have them put it in writing. Then contact our Community Service Center. Financial crimes / Identity theft reports must be completed in person at the Elk Grove Police Department Community Service Center located at 8400 Laguna Palms Way (916) 478-8100. Please call to find out what information will be required in order to make the report.

Your report will be forwarded to our Financial Crimes Detectives for further investigation, if appropriate.

Download the Financial Crimes Report (FCR) that will assist the report taker in gathering information required for the investigation. Please bring the completed FCR with you when you make your police report in person at the Elk Grove Police Department Community Service Center located at 8400 Laguna Palms Way. Information collected from the FCR will assist investigators and is confidential.

Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft

Take Charge Guide

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