



Work Out #1 (AIR)

10 min. AMRAP
You go, I go format.
Parter 1 Perfroms
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (Scaled Step Overs) + Single arm Farmers Walk Down and back 20 Yards.
RX Men & Women 45Lbs. Scaled Men & Women 25Lbs.
Parter 2 Perfroms
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (Scaled Step Overs) + Single arm Farmers Walk Down and back 20 Yards.
RX Men & Women 45Lbs. Scaled Men & Women 25Lbs.
= 1 Round




Work Out #2 (GRIND)

Partner 1 will complete work out before tagging in partner 2.

35 KB Thrusters
45 KB Goblet Squats
65 KB American Swings




  • Partner 1 must bring KB back to start line so partner 2 can begin. Partner 2 must return KB to the starting line to complete the work out.
  • RX Men 53lbs KB - RX women, both scaled divisions and masters 35lbs KB.



Work Out #3 (HURT)

4 rounds of 4:30 work and :30 sec rest
each round weight will increase.

At the start of the clock 1 athlete will carry weights to the barbell. That athlete may start performing a max amount of Ground to Overhead during the 4:30 of time. You can switch partners at any time during the work period. This can happen as many times as necessary during the 4:30 work period.

During the :30 rest period both athletes will return to the starting line.

RX Men weights 95,115,135, 155 lbs
RX women, both scaled divisions and masters 65,85,105,125 lbs

Floater (Obstacle Course)
Surprise TBA Day of Event.




  • Score will be the time in which Obstacle Course is completed.