police helping people cross the street

Pedestrian Safety Month



September 1, 2021

Think Two Steps Ahead: September is Pedestrian Safety Month

Elk Grove, Calif. - September is Pedestrian Safety Month and the Elk Grove Police Department is reminding the community throughout the month about the importance of looking out for one another.

The Elk Grove Police Department offers the following tips for pedestrians and drivers:


Ditch the distractions. Keep your eyes up and phones down, especially when crossing the street.
Always use marked crosswalks, preferably at stop signs or signals.
Make eye contact and nod or wave at drivers. A quick nod or wave is an easy way to let a driver know you see them, and they see you.
Be extra careful crossing streets or entering crosswalks at night when it is harder to see. Get in the habit of walking with a flashlight or wearing a reflective vest so it is easier for drivers to spot you.
If you need to briefly walk into the street to maintain social distancing on sidewalks, remember to look both ways for cars.


Slow down on busy streets and intersections.
Avoid distractions, which includes cell phones, eating, using in-dash touch screens, or turning to talk to passengers.
Be extra careful approaching crosswalks. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians. Stop prior to the crosswalk.
Try to avoid blocking the crosswalk when making a right-hand turn.
Have your headlights on and slow down at night when pedestrians are harder to see.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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