Police Explorer

Elk Grove Police Explorer Post #625

"Our Best Today for a Better Tomorrow"

Are you between the ages of 14 and 20? Are you interested in exploring a career in law enforcement? Are you looking for an opportunity to develop new and exciting skills?

If you answered yes to these questions, then the Elk Grove Police Explorers may be the opportunity for you. The Elk Grove Police Explorer Post is dedicated to preparing young men and women for a career in law enforcement by developing a fundamental understanding of police procedures, duties, and concepts. The Elk Grove Police Explorer Post embraces a community service attitude, professionalism, and requires ethics in all who are Explorers.

What Is Law Enforcement Exploring?

Law Enforcement Exploring is a special interest program chartered by the Boy Scouts of America under the "Learning for Life" division. The Explorer Program is designed to give the cadet a working knowledge of the police function within the community, as well as being of service to the Police Department. The bottom line is that Law Enforcement Exploring is an action-oriented, hands-on career discovery program. Former Explorers have gone on to successful careers in law enforcement, college, and the military.

The Elk Grove Police Explorer Post is not a program for at risk youth. An applicant cannot have any arrests and/or convictions for felonies or serious misdemeanors (i.e., domestic violence). An Explorer must be able to work independently and with other Explorers, Explorer supervisors, and police officers. Explorers are held to the same standards as police officers, and they must be able to conduct themselves in a similar manner. An applicant must be reasonably physically fit and be able to stand for long periods and work in various weather conditions.


  • Be 14 to 20 years of age and completed the 8th grade.
  • Have a good moral character.
  • Remain in school while in the program or until graduation.
  • Maintain a "C" average or higher in all school work (2.0 GPA and no grades below C).
  • Not have a serious police record.
  • Be able to attend Explorer meetings.
  • Be willing to volunteer your time to attend Explorer functions.
  • Be willing to commit to the Explorer Code of Conduct and exemplify the professional image of the Elk Grove Police Department.
  • We ask for a minimum commitment of one year from each participant.
  • Must be in good health. (The City of Elk Grove does not discriminate against anyone based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation, or disability).
  • Must live within the city limits of Elk Grove, the area serviced by the Elk Grove Unified School District, or be a child/dependent of an Elk Grove Police Department employee.

Both male and female young adults who meet these requirements are encouraged to apply.

Explorer Duties

Explorers are expected to volunteer at least 16 hours per month, including four Explorer meetings. Meetings are held from 5:30 to 8:00 PM on the first four Wednesdays of each month.

Other Explorer activities include office work; traffic control at city events such as parades, DUI Checkpoints, and other city events; ride along with patrol officers and dispatchers; participate in academies and competitions; and volunteer at civic events.

The Elk Grove Police Explorer Program is strictly voluntary, and, as such, is not subject to financial compensation.

How Do I Apply?

Applications can be picked up at the Police Service Center or download an Explorer application(*). Completed applications can be delivered to the Elk Grove Police Department public counter during business hours, emailed to shostetler@elkgrovepd.org, or mailed to: The Elk Grove Police Department Explorers, Attn. Officer Hostetler, 8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove CA 95758.

Qualified applicants will be subject to an interview and background investigation before being accepted into the Explorer program. If you have any question regarding the program or the application process, please contact Lead Advisor Officer Hostetler at shostetler@elkgrovepd.org.

*This is a fill-in .pdf file. To use properly, (1) please make sure you have the newest reader and (2) when viewing document, click on "Highlight Fields" to view the areas to type in.

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