
Press Release - Elk Grove Launches COVID Economic Task Force


task force meeting imageElk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and Councilmember Darren Suen joined local leaders yesterday in the first meeting of a new COVID-19 Economic Task Force. The ad-hoc committee was approved by the City Council during their January 13, 2021 meeting.

"The number one goal of this Task Force is to develop some clear strategies to most effectively utilize all resources available to help our working families and small businesses overcome the challenges presented by the pandemic. We have brought together a very diverse group of people that I feel very confident will quickly help me and the rest of the council find the best path forward," said Mayor Singh-Allen.

The Task Force brings together local business, labor, and non-profit leaders. Membership includes:

  • Angela Perry, Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce (Co-Chair)
  • Angela Spease, ISSE Services (Co-Chair)
  • Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, City of Elk Grove
  • Councilmember Darren Suen, City of Elk Grove
  • Rachael Brown, City of Elk Grove
  • Tim Ching, Tri Counties Bank
  • Sarah Costa, Sutter Health
  • Kevin Ferreira, Sacramento Sierra Building and Construction Trades Council
  • Marie Jachino, Elk Grove Food Bank Services
  • Lisandro Madrigal, Chando's Tacos
  • Tim Murphy, Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange
  • Monica Patel, Bank of the West
  • Sandy Rasmussen, Tri Counties Bank
  • Rohit Ranchhod, American Hospitality Services, Inc.
  • Fire Chief Felipe Rodriguez, Cosumnes Community Services District
  • Angelica Tellechea, APAPA
  • John Wallace, Local Centers
  • Sharie Wilson, DreamGirls Fine Hair Imports & Salon

"As a small business owner and a Rotarian, I am honored to be co-chairing this task force," said Angela Spease. "Collaborating with leaders from many different sectors of Elk Grove and Sacramento County will provide the resources and perspectives that will help us make getting assistance easier and more accessible for our businesses and residents."

Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce President/CEO, Angela Perry is co-chairing the Task Force with Angela Spease. "I am so pleased to be a part of this very important venture. As representatives from diverse industries, we plan to compile information and resources to aid the Elk Grove community in a smooth recovery."

The group used their first meeting to get up to speed on the current situation of businesses impacted in the City and determine the organizations at the highest risk; determining pre-COVID-19 baseline economic data; and identifying resources available and groups looking for assistance.

"It's important that we understand what our community's specific needs are when it comes to COVID-19 relief and that our community is aware of all the resources available to them. We envision the Task Force to be a great source for Elk Grovians to share resources and collaborate with community leaders," explained Councilmember Darren Suen.

Future meetings will focus on finding paths to recovery and building long-term resiliency. Meetings will take place virtually over the next 60-70 days. Once identified, opportunities for resources and assistance will be provided almost immediately. The COVID-19 Economic Task Force will report their findings and share their recommendations with the Elk Grove City Council regularly.

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