Elk Grove, CA -- The City is updating itsBicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Planand is seeking community input. A virtual community meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, January 19 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. to present revisions that focus on key improvements including shared use paths, pedestrian crossings, and Class IV bike lanes.
"An extensive bicycle and pedestrian network including connected trails supports a culture where walking and cycling are a safe and convenient transportation option for people of all ages," said Mark Mendenhall, Chairman of the Elk Grove Trails Committee. "We encourage community members to provide their feedback to help refine and enhance this important plan."
TheBicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan (BPTMP) guides and influences pedestrian, bicycle, and trail policies, programs, and development standards to make biking and walking in Elk Grove safe, comfortable, convenient, and enjoyable for all community members. The ultimate goal of the BPTMP is to increase the number of people who walk and bicycle for transportation to work, school, and errands, and for recreation. The final plan will identify existing facilities, opportunities, constraints, and destination points for bicycle users, pedestrians, and trail users.
To learn more, visit theCity's project page. For questions or more information, contactCarrie Whitlockin the City's Office of Strategic Planning and Innovation.
WHAT:Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Master Plan CommunityMeeting
WHEN:Tuesday, January 19, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
WHERE:Virtual Meeting on Zoom