Union Pacific Railroad is replacing a railroad bridge that crosses Laguna Creek about a half mile southeast of the Bond Road intersection with Elk Grove-Florin Road. The bridge is part of a rail line used by freight trains and Amtrak's San Joaquins passenger trains, which connect Sacramento, Stockton, and Bakersfield. The existing bridge was constructed in 1950 and does not meet current design standards.
Trail users and the neighborhoods along School Street and Locust Street will be impacted by the project. The project is expected to take approximately five months to complete.This segment of the Laguna Creek Trail will be closed beginning on July 6 to accommodate the construction.
Union Pacific is working to minimize the impact this infrastructure project will have on surrounding neighborhoods. Steps being taken to minimize noise and traffic concerns, include:
•Contractors have been directed to use Locust Street to access the construction site.
•A noise barrier will be installed in July and August to minimize the noise caused by driving large steel beams into the ground to anchor the bridge.
•Pile driving activity will be limited to mid-mornings and mid-afternoons.
•A biological monitor will be present on site and will perform inspections to monitor for compliance with the Clean Water Act.
For questions about this project, please contact Francisco Castillo at Union Pacific Railroad at 916-200-6248 orfcastillo@up.com.Learn more about the project.