The Operations and Maintenance Division performs roadside and trailside weed abatement throughout the City on an annual schedule. This weed abatement is accomplished by mechanical means such as tractor mounted mowers, hand work utilizing weed eaters and shovels, and by chemical means using Federal, State and locally approved/permitted herbicides. Keeping road and trail shoulders free and clear of weeds helps to reduce visibility obstructions, reduces fire danger from discarded burning objects, reduces fire dangers from vehicles or equipment pulling off pavement and onto shoulders, and also aids in the maintenance of road and trailside shoulders and ditches.
Mechanical weed abatement (mowing and hand work) normally begins at a point during the spring or early summer season when weeds have matured and start to dry. This schedule helps to minimize regrowth and additional mowing especially when the weeds are cut before the plants go to seed.
Chemical weed abatement is weather sensitive and normally occurs during three different periods each year, exact schedules may vary based on weather conditions (wind, heat, and rain). The City's chemical weed abatement program does not include waterways or slopes adjacent to waterways. All materials are applied by a licensed, certified applicator, Valley Green Pest Control.
Fall/Winter (November-February weather permitting)
Pre and post emergent materials are applied to road side areas to address freshly emerged grasses and broadleaf weeds. Application includes a pre-emergent material to prevent new growth.
Spring (April/May)
Touch up applications targeting areas missed during Fall/Winter application as well as any new Spring growth.
Summer (June)
This application primarily targets noxious weeds such as Stinkwort, Mallow, and Thistle. Noxious weeds can be irritating or harmful to both humans and livestock. Stinkwort in particular, if touched or ingested by can lead to kidney disease or sudden death in livestock.
Should residents or property owners with frontage along the listed roads desire that no chemical weed abatement occur adjacent to their residence or property, they must contact City Public Works, Maintenance and Operations Division via email or in writing, unless a previous request for "no spray" was submitted to the Department. Also, if you would like to remove an existing "no spray" status you must contact the Maintenance and Operations Division in writing or via email. Contact information in both cases must include property address and legal owner's name.
City of Elk Grove Public Works
Maintenance & Operations Division
10250 Iron Rock Way
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Phone: (916) 687-3005
One or more of the following herbicides Spreader 90 Sticker/Spreader, Milestone, Intensity, Garlon 4, Gly Star Plus, Diuron 4L and Esplanade 200 SC Herbicide may be used during chemical roadside weed abatement applications.
Contractor is required to submit a list of chemical usage to the Sacramento County Agricultural Commission on a monthly basis.
Spray Notice for Fall Post/Pre Emergent Week Control Application
Materials to be sprayed on Right of Ways:
- Diuron 4L
- Intensity
- Spreader 90
- Garlon 4
- Milestone
- Esplanade
Precautions: Stay Off Until Dry
- 01/03/25-01/08/25
- All applicable areas:
- East of Hwy 99 and South of Elk Grove Blvd.
- 01/09/25-01/14/25
- All applicable areas:
- East of Hwy 99 and North of Elk Grove Blvd.
- 01/15/25-01/21/25
- All applicable areas:
- West of Hwy 99 and South of Elk Grove Blvd.
- 01/22/25-02/04/25
- All applicable areas:
- West of Hwy 99 and North of Elk Grove Blvd.